Thursday, May 19, 2005

Distressed Over World Pollution


Distressed Over World Pollution 

Sometimes I get a sick feeling in my stomach from reading all the garbage that our own federal government allows to spew from its own mouth. I can't believe sometimes that we have elected these kinds of individuals to represent our best interest in society muchless our communities. We start more situations inside our own country, and then treat our citizens as if they have no mind of their own. I have often stated, "It's like raising mushrooms, as long as we keep them in the dark and pump them full of manure they grow!" Are we not a country of the people, for the people and by the people? I think we are and we need someone who can raise the bar on common sense and less on the cynical side of Washington life styles of the haves and have mores, the people deserve better than what they are getting and I for one will stand tall to support their cause in the Senate.

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